Monday, February 20, 2012

Benefits vs Costs of College

  • Among men, median earnings of four-year college graduates were 63 percent higher than median earnings of high school graduates in 2005.
  • Among women, median earnings of four-year college graduates were 70 percent higher than median earnings of high school graduates in 2005. Information taken from:

Thursday, February 16, 2012


Here is a video on the '3 Part Essay'
Assertion # 1, Assertion #2, and Assertion #3 are your different paragraphs/sections that are about different main ideas in your essay. You may have 2-5 of these paragraphs, depending on what essay question you chose.

Essay ?s

Select 2 out 6
Do over the weekend or on Monday. I suggest over the weekend! : )
‎1.Describe 3 indicators of povery.
2.Describe how access to clean water affects all other aspects of poverty.
3.Compare and contrast a developed vs a developing country.
4.What does this mean? "Not every educated person is rich, but almost every educated person has a way out of poverty."
5.What steps can individual governments, the world, and you can do to help get a country out of poverty.
6.What does it mean to live in extreme poverty?

Friday, February 10, 2012


Use Gapminder to explore the statistics of countries around the world, including those related to GDP, life expectancy, IMR, healthcare, literacy rate, and technology. Check specific countries or click on certain "Baubles" on the graph to isolate the countries you want to view. Hit the 'play' button to see how countries have changed through history. Don't forget to think about historical events that affected these countries, socially and economically like; the Industrial Revolution, WWI, WWII, the Great Depression, Vietnam, etc. Think about how what is happening the world now (Mexican drug wars, uprisings in the Middle East and Africa) and how these could be affecting countries in those areas.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

VVW (Viral Video of the Week)

This is just too funny! Thanks for the video Macey!


Hi kids! There's a new web tool I'd like to share with you, one that we'll be using in here quite often. It's called Thinkbinder. Thinkbinder is an online study group, where you or I can post questions or comments and get feedback from the rest of the class or group. There is also a whiteboard feature, where we can draw or write on a group whiteboard, as well as a live chat feature. To join our group go the Thinkbinder and enter the group code: CT5F Go ahead and respond to the first question I have posted by hitting reply and leaving your comment. Also, click on 'whiteboard' and add your name, either with text or drawing. I will be putting questions on Thinkbinder at least once a week. I'll let you know in class or on our blog. Feel free to post your own social studies related questions or comments as well. A shortcut to Thinkbinder can be found on the left hand side of our blog page. Remember that we will be using Thinkbinder for educational purposes only. Hope you enjoy!