Friday, December 30, 2011
Monday, December 19, 2011
Bias in Politics (for 12/21)
GOP (Grand Old Party, AKA Republican)
Presidential Candidate Profiles
Comparing the Republican Presidential Contenders
Issues Comparison and Voting Records
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Monday, December 12, 2011
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Climate Change and Global Warming
Use the following websites and presentations to complete the Global Warming Challenge:
Global Warming Effects Interactive Map
Global Warming
View more presentations from Miguel Membrado
Global Warming and Climate Change
View more presentations from Philip Woodard
Thursday, December 1, 2011
If you would like to create a Glogster for your project, you must first register.
Go to edu.glogster.com, then click 'Sign Up'. You need to sign up as a student, not a teacher, then fill out the necessary information, including your gmail account info.
Go to edu.glogster.com, then click 'Sign Up'. You need to sign up as a student, not a teacher, then fill out the necessary information, including your gmail account info.
Check out some of the Glogsters that my fourth graders made for their independent research projects!
Start a Glogster by clicking, 'Create New Glog'. I recommend first deleting all of the items on the start page and then selecting a Wall before you do anything else. Watch the video below for a quick lesson on using Glogster. Have fun!
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
What's Up Wednesday
What's Up Wednesday is a new idea, inspired by a fellow social studies teacher, Mr. McClung, and his class blog. Here's how it works:
Every Monday (or sooner) students will have the opportunity to go onto the class blog to view a CNN Student News video. On Wednesday, we will be taking the first 5 minutes of class to discuss the videos. (It is important for students to make arrangements to view the video at school if they do not have internet access at home.) Students will be evaluated on discussion participation, and there will also be an occasional assignment. In the case of an assignment, I will show the video in class.
For our first What's Up Wednesday, we will be viewing a video on the Occupy Movement. Be prepared to discuss the following questions:
1) When in history have people protested?
2) Why do people protest?
3) Why are the Occupy protesters protesting?
Every Monday (or sooner) students will have the opportunity to go onto the class blog to view a CNN Student News video. On Wednesday, we will be taking the first 5 minutes of class to discuss the videos. (It is important for students to make arrangements to view the video at school if they do not have internet access at home.) Students will be evaluated on discussion participation, and there will also be an occasional assignment. In the case of an assignment, I will show the video in class.
For our first What's Up Wednesday, we will be viewing a video on the Occupy Movement. Be prepared to discuss the following questions:
1) When in history have people protested?
2) Why do people protest?
3) Why are the Occupy protesters protesting?
Monday, November 28, 2011
Affluenza? No, not me!
After all of the Black Friday craziness this past weekend, I thought it would be a good time to hold a class discussion on the "Affluenza" epidemic that is spreading rapidly across America.
Our pursuit to happiness has led us on a misguided pursuit for more. This pursuit has ironically not brought us happiness, but rather a sense of unhappiness and dissatisfaction with life. This overspending and over-consumption has had other side effects including: wasted time, stress, being overworked, debt, inability to take care of live's "needs," and at times, violence and rage. At a nationwide level, Affluenza has led to the current economic state/financial crisis that the country is currently in. As our individual amount of debt is rising, so is our country's. Check out the following site to see the national debt: National Debt Clock.
Definition of Affluenza:
An extreme form of materialism resulting from the excessive desire for material goods.
The definition that I used with students was taken from the book, Affluenza:The All Consuming Epedemic,
("Affluenza is) a painful, contagious, socially-transmitted condition of overload, debt, anxiety and waste resulting from the dogged pursuit of more."
Our pursuit to happiness has led us on a misguided pursuit for more. This pursuit has ironically not brought us happiness, but rather a sense of unhappiness and dissatisfaction with life. This overspending and over-consumption has had other side effects including: wasted time, stress, being overworked, debt, inability to take care of live's "needs," and at times, violence and rage. At a nationwide level, Affluenza has led to the current economic state/financial crisis that the country is currently in. As our individual amount of debt is rising, so is our country's. Check out the following site to see the national debt: National Debt Clock.
Why are people pepper spraying someone else for a $2.00 waffle maker? Probably the same reason you are throwing a huge fit for getting a DSi, instead of a 3DS for Christmas. WE WANT MORE!
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
The Real Housewives of Plymoth Rock
Here are some videos and links to learn some facts about what really happened on the First Thanksgiving!
Monday, November 21, 2011
Climate Project
Before working on Tuesday's activity, finish your climate graph for Iowa with your partner. You can find the data on this link: Climate in Iowa
For Tuesday 11/22:
Go to Google Maps and select a location around the world. Write this location on a yellow tab (I have them) and write your name on the back. (Leave some space on the left side for the pin.)
Find this location on the world map bulletin board in the room. Place your yellow tab on the map with a push pin.
On a sheet of paper, put the name of your location and your name at the top, then answer the following questions about the climate of your location:
#1 Predict; What do you think the average temperatures will be like, and why do you think that?
#2 Predict; What do you think the average precipitation will be like, and why do you think that?
Now click on the link below:
Enter your locations City, Country, or Zip Code
Click on the "Monthly" Tab, then scroll down to find (and click) the "Averages" Tab.
Use the data of max and min (high and low) temperatures to find the average/mean temperature for each month. Chart this data by creating a line graph for the average monthly temperatures.
Scroll down on the page to find average precipitation. Chart this data by creating a bar graph for the average monthly amount of precipitation.
When finished, get out your sheet of paper from earlier. Complete the following:
#3 Using the data from your graph, describe the average temperatures for your location.
#4 Using the data from your graph, describe the average precipitation for your location.
#5 Were your predictions from #1,#2 correct?
For Tuesday 11/22:
Go to Google Maps and select a location around the world. Write this location on a yellow tab (I have them) and write your name on the back. (Leave some space on the left side for the pin.)
Find this location on the world map bulletin board in the room. Place your yellow tab on the map with a push pin.
On a sheet of paper, put the name of your location and your name at the top, then answer the following questions about the climate of your location:
#1 Predict; What do you think the average temperatures will be like, and why do you think that?
#2 Predict; What do you think the average precipitation will be like, and why do you think that?
Now click on the link below:
Enter your locations City, Country, or Zip Code
Click on the "Monthly" Tab, then scroll down to find (and click) the "Averages" Tab.
Use the data of max and min (high and low) temperatures to find the average/mean temperature for each month. Chart this data by creating a line graph for the average monthly temperatures.
Scroll down on the page to find average precipitation. Chart this data by creating a bar graph for the average monthly amount of precipitation.
When finished, get out your sheet of paper from earlier. Complete the following:
#3 Using the data from your graph, describe the average temperatures for your location.
#4 Using the data from your graph, describe the average precipitation for your location.
#5 Were your predictions from #1,#2 correct?
Monday, October 31, 2011
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Plotting Earthquakes
How often do earthquakes occur?
Once every five years, once a year, once a month maybe??
Some of us may think that earthquakes only happen once in a while, but that's not true. Did you know that there are several earthquakes that occur around the world each and every single day?
Why do you think that some people would believe that earthquakes only happen about once or twice a year? I'd really like to hear your comments!
Let's see how many earthquakes have happened in the last week and plot some of our data.
View Earthquake Data Here:
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Geoscience Activities
As you are finishing today, complete one of the following activities with your partner:
The Earth's Layers- Answer the questions at the end, turn in on a sheet of paper
Careers in Earth Science- Describe one career in earth science. What would you want to do/why?
Careers in Geoscience Webquest- Complete this webquest online
The Earth's Layers- Answer the questions at the end, turn in on a sheet of paper
Careers in Earth Science- Describe one career in earth science. What would you want to do/why?
Careers in Geoscience Webquest- Complete this webquest online
Monday, October 17, 2011
Picasa Web
We will be making our photo albums through Picasa Web. This is a Google app so we don't need to create any more passwords.
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Volcano Album
We will be making photobooks with pictures and facts about volcanoes around the world.
1) Explore 6 different volcanoes, make sure to Right Click on the picture and save it to your zip drive. Be sure to name each picture the correct name of the volcano. Take notes on the volcanoes using your handout.
2) Create an account with Flickr. Sign in with your Google account and password.
3) Add your photos, including the notes you took about each.
4) Save and publish your photos. Embed them into your blog by going to blogger, signing in, go to design, then add the flickr widget. Your photos will show up automatically.
Later we'll be mapping our volcanoes on Google Maps and on our world map in the classroom!
1) Explore 6 different volcanoes, make sure to Right Click on the picture and save it to your zip drive. Be sure to name each picture the correct name of the volcano. Take notes on the volcanoes using your handout.
2) Create an account with Flickr. Sign in with your Google account and password.
3) Add your photos, including the notes you took about each.
4) Save and publish your photos. Embed them into your blog by going to blogger, signing in, go to design, then add the flickr widget. Your photos will show up automatically.
Later we'll be mapping our volcanoes on Google Maps and on our world map in the classroom!
Friday, October 7, 2011
Mount Vesuvius
Today we learned what it would be like to be a Geologist and had a great discussion about Geology, more specifically these key terms: Earth's Layers, Plate Tectonics, Mountains, Volcanoes, Earthquakes, and Tsunamis. We found out that we already had a great deal of background knowledge concerning these topics. Monday we're going to be reading a story and looking at some primary documents that came from the tragedy in Pompeii, the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79A.D. Here are some websites and a video clip you can preview to add to your prior knowledge before then. Enjoy!
Pompeii:Discovery Channel
Pompee: Virtual Photo Tour SUPER COOL!!!
Pompeii:Discovery Channel
Pompee: Virtual Photo Tour SUPER COOL!!!
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Monday, October 3, 2011
Test Wednesday
We are having our first test this Wednesday! Please study!!! If you have lost your study guide, or you aren't at school today, check out the page "Handouts" at the top of our blog. You can print the study guide from home.
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Blog Assignment: 9/26-9/30 National Child Passenger Safety Week
~Last week was National Child Passenger Safety Week~
Did you know that crashes are the leading cause of death for children from 3 to 14 years old?
AND...Have you ever heard, most accidents happen within a mile from home?
Blog Assignment:
Blog Title: Child Passenger Safety Week
1. Explore these two sites, http://www.nhtsa.gov/Safety/CPS and http://www.dmv.org/ia-iowa/safety-laws.php to find out more information about how you can stay safe.
2. Tell us 3 facts you learned or found interesting. Tell us one thing you plan to do to stay safe in a vehicle.
3. Edit and Publish (no "Labels")
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Friday, September 16, 2011
Happy Constitution Day Everyone!!
In honor of Constitution Day, September 17th,
on Monday, we will be having a lesson called
"The Constitution....What the heck is that?"
On September 17th, 1787 the Constitution of the United States was finished and signed. According to About.com, "The Constitution gives us no less than the owners' manual to the greatest form of government the world has ever known." To view this article and for more info about Constitution Day, click on About.com above.
Here's a video to watch over the weekend. Hopefully after Monday you will have a little more knowledge about the Constitution than Barney Fife does.....
Blog Assignment 9/14-9/19
Your first Blog Assignment is due on Monday, 9/19. The second date in the title will always be the due date of your blog assignment.
Title your post: Globes vs Maps
Write 2 Paragraphs
P1= Pros and Cons of Globes
P2= Pros and Cons of Maps
Add 2 images- one of a map, the other a globe.
Labels this post: geographytools (no space)
Publish Post
How to add an image:
Go to Google in a new internet window. Click on the images tab. Search "maps" or "globes". When you find the image you like, place your mouse upon the image and Right Click. Now hit, Save Picture As or Save Image As. Rename the image (globe or map). Make sure you are in your My Pictures folder (if not, hit "Library" or "My Documents" on the left side of the new window, find "My Pictures" folder, and double click on it.) Hit Save.
Go to Google in a new internet window. Click on the images tab. Search "maps" or "globes". When you find the image you like, place your mouse upon the image and Right Click. Now hit, Save Picture As or Save Image As. Rename the image (globe or map). Make sure you are in your My Pictures folder (if not, hit "Library" or "My Documents" on the left side of the new window, find "My Pictures" folder, and double click on it.) Hit Save.
Go back to your blogger window. While writing the post, at the top there are several different tools, like bold print, color, center, etc. Find the one that is a small light blue and green square. It will say "Add image". When you click on it a new window pops open. Click "Choose Image". Your "My Pictures" Folder should open up and you can select the image you want. (If it doesn't you will have to find the "My Pictures" folder-see above.) You can then choose to center the picture, etc. Click upload image.
You will be graded on spelling, punctuation, and capitalization.
If you cannot finish your post, hit save now. When you come back to blogger, go to "Edit Post".
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Please continue to set up your blogs. Do not post anything yet. If you do not have a working Gmail account, please do that first, then set up your blog. Once your blog has been created, you may change the design. This is done easily by clicking Design and then Template Designer. You can select a premade template by hitting "Apply to Blog". If you want to get creative, select Advance and change the font color and size. You can also change the Layout of your page as well (how things are placed/arranged on your page.) Remember, your blog should be easy to read. Don't forget to sign out when you are finished.
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Back By Popular Demand
The Latitude and Longitude Rap
5 Themes of Geography
View more presentations from lhmiles2
Geocaching 101
I hope you enjoyed our Geocaching Adventure yesterday. I will be posting some pictures soon! Here is the video that we watched in class. Remember, check out www.geocaching.com to look for Geocaching Adventures in our area!
New Site
Braida's Blog has now been moved. You still need to visit the Grade 6 site at Weebly, but the Blog will be here. You can access the blog by going to Braida's Blog on the class website, it will just navigate you away from that site and take you here. You can also go here directly by typing: http://www.braidagrade6.blogspot.com/. Please bookmark these addresses for easy access (add to 'favorites' or save to Delicious account.
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