Monday, November 28, 2011

Affluenza? No, not me!

After all of the Black Friday craziness this past weekend, I thought it would be a good time to hold a class discussion on the "Affluenza" epidemic that is spreading rapidly across America.

Definition of Affluenza:

An extreme form of materialism resulting from the excessive desire for material goods.

The definition that I used with students was taken from the book, Affluenza:The All Consuming Epedemic,

("Affluenza is) a painful, contagious, socially-transmitted condition of overload, debt, anxiety and waste resulting from the dogged pursuit of more."

Our pursuit to happiness has led us on a misguided pursuit for more. This pursuit has ironically not brought us happiness, but rather a sense of unhappiness and dissatisfaction with life. This overspending and over-consumption has had other side effects including: wasted time, stress, being overworked, debt, inability to take care of live's "needs," and at times, violence and rage. At a nationwide level, Affluenza has led to the current economic state/financial crisis that the country is currently in. As our individual amount of debt is rising, so is our country's. Check out the following site to see the national debt: National Debt Clock.

Why are people pepper spraying someone else for a $2.00 waffle maker? Probably the same reason you are throwing a huge fit for getting a DSi, instead of a 3DS for Christmas. WE WANT MORE!

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