Tuesday, November 29, 2011

What's Up Wednesday

What's Up Wednesday is a new idea, inspired by a fellow social studies teacher, Mr. McClung, and his class blog. Here's how it works:

Every Monday (or sooner) students will have the opportunity to go onto the class blog to view a CNN Student News video. On Wednesday, we will be taking the first 5 minutes of class to discuss the videos. (It is important for students to make arrangements to view the video at school if they do not have internet access at home.) Students will be evaluated on discussion participation, and there will also be an occasional assignment. In the case of an assignment, I will show the video in class.

For our first What's Up Wednesday, we will be viewing a video on the Occupy Movement. Be prepared to discuss the following questions:
1) When in history have people protested?
2) Why do people protest?
3) Why are the Occupy protesters protesting?


  1. Mrs. Braida, you have definitely sold yourself short...your blog is far from lame. I really enjoy reading up on what other teachers (especially SS teachers) are doing around the country. I will make sure to include your website on my blog roll.

    Thanks for sharing and feel free to drop me a line anytime. Take care.

  2. Mrs Braida - great start with your blog, Joe McClung is right. Im a classroom teacher from New Zealand, so we'll be looking at your students work on the other side of the world and you really are off to a good start. We've had the occupy Wall Street protests here, they're camping in Auckland, in our biggest city here.

  3. Thanks for the encouragement! My students and I are so excited to have new blog followers. It really increases students' engagement and motivation, knowing that they have people from all over the world checking out our class!
